New Science Fiction Book Club Site!!

Okay, so the transfer over from the Wikispace site to this one has been less than graceful. I was smart and downloaded everything before deleting the Wikispace, however, I then promptly lost all our history by deleting off my hard drive before backing anything up. My memory is not so good on when we read what books, if you have any ideas, please pass along.

Anyway, our next meeting is on Monay February 9th at 7pm. We will be discussing The Mount by Carol Emshwiller. Published in 2002, The Mount won the Philip K. Dick Award and was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel. The author was inspired to write The Mount after she took a class in the psychology of prey animals. After the class, Emshwiller wondered what it would be like if a smart prey animal rode a predator. The idea fascinated her enough to write a short story which became The Mount(from Wikipedia).

I really like being able to select the books that are published by smaller presses. Small Beer Press has published some of my favorite sci-fi books in recent years (especially since they have only been around since 2000). They published Kelly Link's first short story collection, which I have not read, but her new one is getting fantastic reviews all over the place. They also were the first ones to publish her breakout book, Magic for Beginners, and ended up selling that to a bigger publisher. They published a great collection of Ursula K. Le Guin's The Unreal and the Real in two volumes.

Sherwood Nation by Benjamin Parzbok was a great new book that came out last year. A great post-collapse non-apocalyptic novel. And I loved The Liminal People by Ayize Jama-Everett. And there is a sequel coming...feel free to ask me about it.

Enough of my jaw-jacking--hope to see you all on Monday night.


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